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A few examples of the Privacy and Wealth-Creating Tactics you will learn in Bye Bye Big Brother…

Just a few examples of the Privacy and Wealth-Creating Tactics you will learn in Bye Bye Big Brother…

Foreign Currency Arbitrage Programs (“Invest-Loan”)
(Volume 2, Chapter 52)

Do you know how anyone, regardless of credit history, can borrow money offshore at only 2% interest with no scheduled repayment date, then simultaneously reinvest it for a much higher return elsewhere? Of course not – because the rock-solid European banks routinely making such loans are not allowed to advertise these deals in your country. Big Brother calls this “investor protection.” We call it “protecting the cosy domestic banking cartel.”

How to legally (but without lawyers or accountants) avoid inheritance or estate taxes – completely!
(Volume 2, Chapter 53)

What is this information alone worth to you? Many times the cost of Bye Bye Big Brother, we are sure. Don’t let Big Brother get his hands on the fruits of your labours after your death. Make sure your descendants get 100% of what is rightfully theirs. By following the techniques outlined in Bye Bye Big Brother (especially Chapter 53, but this comes up in other contexts too, such as Private Offshore Foundations) you will be able to ensure the prosperity of future generations, or make sure the money goes to causes that YOU believe in.

Using nominee owners or “straw men”
(references throughout the book, plus documents in Downloads section)

If you’ve heard of this, it might sound to you illegal or dangerous. That’s exactly what Big Brother wants you to think – because it makes it harder for governments, ex-wives and other predators to identify, attack and sequester your assets. Fact: almost all multi-millionaires use this simple but effective privacy technique, legally better known as fiduciary or beneficial ownership. It’s totally legal and doesn’t require giving control over your assets.

“It is more important, and much safer to control wealth, rather than to own it in your own name. Contingent fee lawyers or government agencies won’t sue someone who seemingly has nothing tangible to grasp,” says Grandpa. “How to arrange for a comfortable lifestyle while displaying apparent poverty to the Big Brother  world is covered in depth.”

Hide and Secure Your Assets in a POT
(references throughout the book, plus in Downloads section)

“A POT (Protective Offshore Trust) to hold and hide your assets” is a perfectly legal, tax-neutral, offshore structure. You may never have heard about them, but even nasty old O.J. Simpson still lives well and has custody of his kids. Why? Because of just such an arrangement. His POT legally survived a devastating civil lawsuit.

Trust granting documents (for which top international law firms routinely charge up to $40,000) are included free in the members’ downloads section of Bye Bye Big Brother.

In fact, what lawyer would, in a million years, give you free “do it yourself forms” and information on how to use them? But it is just part of our package deal.

Second Passports for Privacy and Profit 
(Volume 3, pages 1-250)

Obtaining a second citizenship and passport is an effective way of breaking free from the shackles of ‘your’ government. It’s like declaring independence. By obtaining a second passport you become a human multi-national, legally entitled to all those benefits that multi-national corporations play on every day.

Bye Bye Big Brother includes over 250 printed pages on this subject. Volume 3 shows you how to dispense with lawyers and accountants for the most part. Free Foreign Passport Application Forms are available for download in the members’ only section of this website.

How to Set Up a Completely New Enterprise on the Internet – No Capital Required!
(Volume 2, Chapter 74)

A unique business opportunity for the international thinker is explored in detail. You will learn how to roam the globe electronically and rake in profits anonymously, offshore, and tax-free, even while you sleep! The taxman will never bother you because this can be operated completely offshore and controlled via the internet. The rest of this section on “Portable Trades and Internet Opportunities” also explores different business ideas suited to an international, offshore lifestyle. We tell you how to get into these businesses with zero capital.

How to Get an Offshore Divorce – and Make it Work!
(Volume 2, Chapter 71)

You will learn which two Caribbean island nations have the most friendly divorce laws these days. Obtain the judgement you want, when you want it, for a fraction of the legal fees you might pay in your home country. Even more importantly, we tell you how to make these ‘offshore’ judgements stick in other countries. We can refer you to reputable lawyers who can arrange your divorce within a few days, often without any need to travel!

Change Your Name Legally
(references throughout the book, plus in Downloads section)

Putting your assets or doing business in a new name makes it much harder for them to be traced back to you.

Changing your name is a simple legal process in most common law jurisdictions, including USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand etc. You will learn how you can legally change your name in any of these countries even if you don’t live there and are not a citizen. That way you can completely legally be known by different names in different jurisdictions. This simple, fast and cheap technique will create a nightmare of bureaucratic confusion for anyone trying to get their hands on you or your assets.

You will be able to download absolutely free the necessary forms to change your name by mail from anywhere in the world, without having to pay expensive lawyers.

Secure, Untraceable, Encrypted Communications
(Volume 2, Chapters 44-47)

Starting from a non-technical background, this section of Bye Bye Big Brother explains how you can simply and cheaply secure all your communications against snoops and eavesdroppers, as well as making your emails, phone calls and faxes untraceable. These essential privacy tactics are explored in detail. Plus: how to make your office portable (Volume 2, pages 337-347) We recommend two very effective internet services you can sign up with for a under a dollar a day.

Advantages of Using Small Corrupt Countries as Business Bases
(Volume 3, page 141)

Money talks everywhere. But corruption is cheaper in smaller countries. Learn how with a little effort you can become a big fish in a small pond and benefit from protection, tax exemption and perhaps even diplomatic status.

What to do (and What Not to Do) if you are interviewed by Government Agents
(Volume 2, page 41)

Government agents use an incredible and little known technique to entrap people during interviews. This was the downfall of lifestyle guru Martha Stewart. But forewarned is forearmed. We tell you one specific precaution you must take to protect yourself. There is one document you can easily carry in your wallet which will legally protect you from this technique.

Secret Safe Deposit Boxes in Europe
(Volume 2, Chapter 54)

Everybody has documents and possessions that are nobody else’s business. We tell you the only place in Europe (probably the only place in the world) where you can legally rent a secure safe totally anonymously. It’s in Austria. Also you will learn the lowdown on safe technology, why it’s important to have a blank key and which banks have blank keys, etc etc.

Each one of the above secrets individually could earn or save you many, many times the cost of Bye Bye Big Brother. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.

There is abundant material. Too much, in fact, to jam into the already thick information and idea-packed three volume Bye Bye Big Brother reference manual that we will ship to you without obligation.

That is why all buyers will also receive a user name and password granting access for a whole year to our special members’ only website. There, much additional relevant material is conveniently available – it’s all free with the package deal! The website is updated almost daily with new material as we receive it.

And if you are not already sold on Bye Bye Big Brother, here is the clincher… an offer you can’t refuse. Every person who buys Bye Bye Big Brother is entitled to one free e-mail consultation with an expert who knows the answer. Personal service and discretion are assured.

Please CONTACT US TODAY if you have any questions, or go right ahead and ORDER NOW!



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