Bye Bye Big Brother
Ignorance is NOT bliss...

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Home FAQs Second Passports and Citizenships

Second Passports and Citizenships

Questions the authors are often asked about the sometimes confusing world of second passports, economic citizenships etc.

Why do I need a second passport and citizenship?
I’m an American. I love my country. Why would I ever want a second citizenship?
Aren’t second passports just the province of terrorists and drug lords?
How can I get a second passport? Hasn’t it become much more difficult these days?
I am a journalist. Can I ask you some questions?
Can I get a second passport without leaving my home country?
Is it legal?
How long does it take to obtain a second passport?
How much does it cost to obtain a second passport?
What documents do I need to show to obtain a second passport?
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